Investigation into starship flight 7
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Date added: 2025-01-17
Starship flight 7 was launched on 16/02/2025 and was to test starships payload function and attempt to catch the booster for the second time.
T+ 00:00:00
All engines on starship were started according to the stream graphic.
T+ 00:00:01
Starship started moving off the launch pad.
T+ 00:00:40
A part off starship begins to peel off which becomes more clear at T+ 00:00:47
Source: SpaceX livestream on X
T+ 00:01:14
A visual confirmation by the SpaceX stream showed all engines on the booster were lit. Source: SpaceX livestream on X
T+ 00:03:00
MECO and hot staging was successful and both the booster and ship were on a nominal trajectory.
One engine went out on starship during relight.
T+ 00:06:28 - T+ 00:06:33
Landing burn was successful and starship landed on the tower.
T+ 00:07:54
The stream goes back to starship briefly showing visible orange glows from one of the actuators.
T+ 00:08:25
Engines went out one by one and communications to starship was lost.