File properties

How file properties work in this vault

In order to add more information about the current file, obsidian file proprieties are added. These properties are standardised within this vault and are versioned so outdated documents can be updated with the newer standard if needed.

How a base file looks

Base file:

  • Tags - Blank
  • Date - Date the file was made
  • cssclasses - css classes
  • lang - The language of the document
  • properties-ver - Version of obsidian file properties
  • aliases - Other names and the lowercase title

All properties

tagsListFile tags
cssclassesListCSS classes to use on a page
dateDateDate the page was created
properties-verTextThe version of the obsidian file properties
stubBoolMarks wether a page is a stub
aliasesListOther names and the lowercase title



Lowercase title requirement added to aliases to help with linking notes within sentences.


The first proper version where obsidian file properties were documented and versioned.

Base file:

  • Tags - Blank
  • Date - Date the file was made
  • cssclasses - css classes
  • lang - The language of the document
  • properties-ver - Version of obsidian file properties

No version

These are older files that were made before the new system or have been imported from other vaults.